Why did you get Certified in Pilates?
Pilates centers both my mind and body. Why not help others feel the same way.

Why are you so passionate about Pilates?
Pilates is like a puzzle for your body it puts all the pieces back together. I always feel longer, leaner and more refreshed after a session.

What’s your favorite/least favorite Pilates exercise to teach?
I absolutely love teaching Spine Stretch Forward and the Saw.

What type of client inspires/challenges you?
I learn from all my clients. I love to see the positive results of all their hard work and dedication.

What profession other than Pilates would you like to attempt?
Yoga instructor

If you could live anywhere where would that be?
La Jolla, California. From the weather to the restaurants I am sold.

Your favorite color and flower.
Green is my favorite color. Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers.

Your favorite superhero or heroine?
Any one who stands up for what they believe in and follows through with their dreams and passions. It is easy to have an idea, it takes dedication and perseverance to follow through with it.

Who inspires you?
My mother. Mom taught me to always be kind to others and to never judge.

Your favorite food and drink.
I love to eat. I could have home made cookies and a glass of ice cold milk every day. When I am on the ran I love my peanut butter banana smoothies. And to unwind maybe a glass of red wine and dark chocolate. Of course everything in moderation. I can not have all my favorites in one day.

Your favorite book and TV show?
I love to read but do not have a favorite book. I am currently reading Clean Food. It talks about healthy eating habits and eating seasonally.
My favorite show at the moment is Downtown Abbey.

The natural talent you’d like to be gifted with.
To be able to speak the local tongue where ever I traveled.

Your favorite motto.
Just do it.

Your favorite hobby.
Traveling and hanging out with family and friends