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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Fight for a cure! Donation-based Pilates classes at CFM! Join us this month at Center For Movement for donation-based Pilates classes.  All proceeds will go directly towards the Susan G. Komen foundation; click on the link below to visit the foundation’s website and learn more about the search for a cure. Susan G. Komen Foundation Keep reading for more information about class times, dates, and studio locations. […]

2019-12-06T14:57:34-05:00October 8th, 2015|0 Comments

Q & A with CFM’s Melissa Woyshner

Why did you get Certified in Pilates? Pilates centers both my mind and body. Why not help others feel the same way. Why are you so passionate about Pilates? Pilates is like a puzzle for your body it puts all the pieces back together. I always feel longer, leaner and more refreshed after a session. What’s your favorite/least favorite Pilates exercise to teach? I absolutely love teaching Spine Stretch Forward and the Saw. What type of client inspires/challenges you? I learn from all my clients. I love to see the positive results of all their hard work and dedication. What profession other than Pilates would you like to attempt? Yoga instructor […]

2019-12-06T14:57:35-05:00July 24th, 2014|0 Comments

I found the right home.

I am working on becoming a certified Pilates apparatus trainer at a wonderful place. It took three years of searching which included spending over 2,000.00 on a program that changed its regiment and training midway and moved its location across the country. But, last month I found the right studio, a classical Pilates studio called Center for Movement.

2019-12-06T14:57:35-05:00May 23rd, 2014|0 Comments

Tip from CFM Co-Owner Donna Singer on finding time to exercise

Finding the time to exercise can sometimes seem like an impossible feat with today’s fast-paced lifestyle.   How can you make time to maintain your Pilates Physique? The good news is, because the Pilates and Gyrotonic methods are so effective and specific, the connections that you make create muscle memory and you get more out of your workout. When taught  correctly, the body doesn’t forget what it’s learned. If you do not have time to take a whole class, even a 15 – minute Pilates or Gyrotonic workout will target the entire body while keeping you strong, toned and flexible. […]

2019-12-06T14:57:35-05:00May 2nd, 2014|0 Comments